Wednesday 5 February 2014

Sharing Babette Hayes Styling Secrets

 We thought we'd share the practical and creative advice of designer and stylist Babette Hayes - and add a few inspirational photos to get you going!

1.     Creating zones is important so that there are defined areas for seating, TV viewing, activities, eating which have passage ways in between. So grouping is important – group the seating with coffee table, side table, lamps. Avoid matching it all so there is a sense of the unexpected. Then allow for walk through passages leading to another zone.  


2.     Hanging artworks, interesting objects with care, together rather than scattered – avoid hanging one picture in the middle of each wall. Collect interesting posters, images, children’s drawings, blow up family photos, frame them, group them on one or two walls in the living room, turn a corridor wall into a gallery, create a large colourful notice board on which to pin favourite photos, postcards, drawings etc.

  3.     In a house that’s well lived in, chaos can reign – so make sure there is one room that is tidy, organised and feels good to be in so that you have your favourite things to look at and enjoy. Here peace will reign and you will benefit. The entry point into a home is important – have a bench for shoes and boots to go under, a place for umbrellas and school bags, a box or basket in which to throw all the odd bits to keep them in one place. Keeping things in their own space – a row of hooks creates a sense of organisation, an awareness of the environment you live in.



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